Saturday, January 10, 2015

The C

Caressa here.

I have 13 moose (not mooses or meese) named Fettuccine, Milton, Zeus, Washington, Aldous, Blü, Scooter, Sputnik, Pope, Tchaikovsky, Kipper, Rome, and Bend. I like Chinese food, astronomy, Keanu Reeves, pick up lines, electric blankets, and books. I don't like country music, drugs, math, avocados, and Maine. My jams include film scores, the Beach Boys, alternative (which, let's be honest, can mean anything), and indie folk. I have 2 older brothers and an older sister. Currently my life is in a "!???" phase, but at some point I'd like to be a doctor with a pilots license. Or something. And my goal for this year is to be more patient.

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