Saturday, January 10, 2015

The R

Hey guys it's Renee here!

 I don't know about you guys, but I always find the topic "tell us about yourself" really hard to answer. I can never seem to think of any interesting thing about myself on the spot. I guess that says a lot about my couch potato life. So, I'm just going to start with the basics. I live in California, been here since diaper days. I'm currently 16 years old with a younger sister of 14, my mom and dad, and two obnoxiously annoying beagles named Tanker and Trooper. I'm always down for any adventures, or road trips, and have a slight obsession with collecting postcards. I also love taking pictures and meeting new people. I do NOT like brussels sprouts or too much ketchup on my fries. I currently am very happy with my life, I have a job teaching little kids gymnastics and have a wonderful supporting group of friends by my side. The future, for me, is a scary thing because I'm always changing my mind on what I want to do and who I want to become, but I'm keeping it in Gods hands and trusting him with it. My goal for 2015 is to appreciate the little things more, like water pressure, which I didn't have for about two weeks over summer, but that's another story. 

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