Sunday, January 11, 2015

the A!!!

Hellooooo. I'm Alexa, the A in the name. 

I don't know how to smoothly transition into getting to know a little bit more about myself, but I think this should be fine. 
To start off, I'm 16 going on 17, filipino and white, short, and kind of awkward (oops). I love Jesus, music, peanut butter, and 90s TV shows. The guitar is my favorite instrument. The piano, bass guitar, and ukelele all come in a close second. My top favorite shows are Friends and Fresh Prince. And my favorite artists are Local Natives, The Paper Kites, The Beatles, One Direction, and 5SOS. My taste in music varies. I dislike (with a very strong passion) asparagus, Mother Gothel, and ap bio. 
I'm always up for stuff like hikes and spontaneity, but sadly I don't get the chance to do those kinds of things because of school. I almost forgot, I also dislike my school and about 90% of the people who inhabit it. Not sorry. Well, maybe just a little. 
I always make bucket lists and stuff like that, but unfortunately they've never been completed. Regardless, I'd still like to set up a few goals for this year/the future. I want to get better grades, improve on singing, dancing and guitar, find a career that I'll actually enjoy, and I want to travel more. Oh and I want to learn how to be more independent since I can barely make pancakes (long story). And I also want to be able to do a shoulder freeze (it's like some break dance move) since those look kinda fun even though I almost broke my shoulder when I tried doing that, but hey that's okay. 
Yeah. That's it. I kind of run on and on a lot and don't make any sense in the end, but that's me. 
I ALMOST FORGOT TO ADD THAT I LOVE PUNS SO YEAH. NOW THAT COMPLETES WHO I AM. (I also like to type in all caps for emphasis or just to spice things up. K bye)

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