Sunday, January 11, 2015

Last but not least, the S

Hello pals, I'm Sam. I'm not very good at introductions without sounding super lame, so I'm gonna try my best to prove otherwise.

I was born in the Philippines and moved to the United States when I was two. I live with my younger brother, mom, and dad. I've been alive for a little over sixteen years and over those sixteen years I've developed a love for singing, the color purple, and candles..I'm not doing a very good job of sounding interesting, am I? Well too bad. I have a lot of pet peeves. Some of which include when people who use the bathroom before me don't put the seat down (and let me tell you, living with a twelve year old boy makes life very frustrating), myopic people, people who point out my past mistakes and try to pull it off as a joke (trust me, it's not funny..unless I think it is), and stern people. Believe me, the list goes on. Hmmm.. what's another thing I can talk about? Fun facts about me: I'm Catholic, Dirty Dancing is my favorite 80's movie (doesn't seem like a very Catholic movie, does it? whoops), Harry Potter is my favorite book and movie series, I'm a fan of a lot of different music genres, I can play piano, I want to be a music therapist, I want to live in Australia some time in my life, and I low key have commitment issues. I think that's it so I guess, for now, all I can say is that I'm excited to be a part of this blog and that on the way you, the random strangers of the world, will get to know me and these other four girls as well.

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