1st post what
Today I was told to just sit down, start typing, and let my "creative juices flow". After a long and melodramatic ten minutes I gave up and decided to tell you about last week. Fortunately, for myself and all the other slothful readers out there, this anecdote will be told in a more twenty-first century, Daily Prophet kinda way. Witches and Wizards, I present to you the modern day moving image, the GIF.

Yes I know everybody else starts their week on a Sunday, but, i'm sorry, NO that is not how it works in my life. MONDAYS COME FIRST. This is how it went. Last week was, finals week.

So on Monday, I woke up ready to conquer the day head first and snag that A+ on my History final. Yep. No. I woke up feeling like death itself rising from a splintered coffin on a muggy Monday morning. I also would like to add that the sun slept in longer than I had the chance to. Screw you sun. I was mentally drained from the textbooks sucking the life out of me and slightly nauseous from the stale sour patch kids I had consumed the previous night. This was also my first day driving to school as well, seeing as I got my license that last Friday. With that being said, the irony of getting in a car crash that day seemed impossible. Ya okay sure, say that to the dent on the back of my dads truck and the lady who made me forty minutes late to my History Final. It wasn't my fault (praise God), and nobody was hurt except my brain after the essay portion. What else could Monday throw at me?

Thankfully, Tuesday I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the smell of blueberry muffins cooking in the kitchen. Please, this isn't Snow Whites cottage. Instead, I got the soothing sound of the iPhone buzzer alarm. Thankfully, no car crashes on my way to school this time, and my first final went A-OKAY. GO SCIENCE. But then there's Spanish. And I could practically hear the muffled cries of my A was being erased into a B. I pitied myself and indulged on ice cream that night.

Wednesday, the day of my dreaded AP Language Final. Essays. Essays. And MORE ESSAYS. Oh yes. I'm just going to leave this one right here.

Thursday. Math day. Last day. Nailed it. And to my surprise it was my best final. TA-DA!

All-n-all finals week had me like

But i powered through all of the struggles life could throw at me and made it to Friday where I slept till two and blogged all day. If I can do it, anybody can!

Yep that's it. I shall leave you with this, have a blessed day! :)

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