Wednesday, February 18, 2015

how to: date douchebags

an autobiography by me


boy #1-

  • you'd be embarrassed to tell your best friend about
  • never texts you back
  • is your best friend's cousin

   boy #2-

  • leaves his girlfriend for you
  • flirts with you whilst dating said girlfriend
  • still calls you babe when you're not his babe

boy #3-

  • lost his virginity at 13
  • pressures premarital sex
  • has sex with his ex girlfriend whilst dating you
  • is violent with others
  • is a wrestler
  • makes you want to take a shower overtime he looks at you
  • you  want your family to meet

boy #4-

  • can't tell his mom about you
  • tells you he's addicted to porn 
  • becomes too close with your girl friends
  • has to be the victim in everything
  • asks your best friend for nudes [side note: if she does it she ain't your friend]
  • lies when confronted

if your boy has any of these attributes, then congratulations you're probably dating a douchebag***.

-H [with the help of C- so the ch]

*** not all hope is lost; some douchebags lose their douchebaggery with time & much rejection 

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