Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nine Lives of Sam (1-4)

Hey everyone, it's Sam. Since I'm unoriginal in every way, I've decided to write a post about my nine lives ((thanks C)).

Life 1: I would've never quit ballet when I was younger and then I would continue dancing and ultimately pursue it as a career. I attended Joffrey Ballet School where I fell in love with my future husband, Sebastian. After being together for four years ((it was our senior year)), Sebastian proposes to me in front of the Rockefeller Christmas tree a week before Christmas. We both danced for the New York City Ballet for three years right after we graduated. Within those three years, we got married and landed a studio apartment in Manhattan. Sebastian got a serious injury in his left foot and couldn't continue dancing for the NYCB, so that left me dancing for the both of us. Luckily, Sebastian was still able to dance, just not vigorously so he ended up teaching the children's workshops for NYCB. A year later, we were blessed with having twins, Noelle and Luke. The four of us live in a beautiful penthouse in Manhattan with Mitch, the family parakeet.

Life 2: I would have been an English photographer who resided in Cheshire, England. I would also be childhood best friends with Harry Styles ((I regret nothing)). When he became famous, our friendship started to deteriorate, but that didn't make us give up. In fact, before his third tour, he invited me to go on tour with him, but I couldn't because I was just about to wrap up university, and he promised me that in his next tour that I was invited. I obviously ended up going to that one, which caused a lot of speculation, mostly from his fans, about our relationship. This also caused us to rethink our relationship as friends and move on as something more than that. We dated for two years, but the limelight and distance ((let's be real I can't just follow him on tour all the time)) got too much for me and I ended it with him. Lucky enough, we stayed good friends and continued our relationship after the band broke up. We began dating again for two more years before he proposed to me. We lived in a cute cottage in the British countryside with Finn, our Collie, Frodo, our Birman, and Rhea, our daughter.

Life 3: I would've never given up my dream of being a journalist and wrote in everything I could. I was the yearbook editor and editor in chief for the school newspaper in high school and middle school. I ended up going to Columbia College ((no, not University..COLLEGE)) in Chicago for print journalism. I became friends with a girl from my publication and English class, and we ended up being inseparable. After graduation, we moved to Washington D.C. in a shoebox apartment. We both worked as editors for a small newspaper, and after four years, was offered to write for the Washington Post. My friend got married two years after we started writing for the Washington Post and she moved in with her hubby in their penthouse apartment while I stayed in our shoebox for another six years until I got offered to write for the New York Times. I never married, but I tried my hardest finding "the one" through 3-9 month relationships that only ended in a) me being cheated on or b) finding out the guy has no sense of real commitment. No, I didn't "become" a lesbian. Thankfully, I made a lot of friends both in D.C. and New York so I used my brownstone in Manhattan to host parties and other get-togethers. To keep me company were my two pugs, Baby and Johnny, and my three Zebra finches, Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Life 4: I started swimming when I was seven and became part of the swim team in high school, and I was so good I got a scholarship for swimming at UCLA. I continued to compete with UCLA and my trainer signed me up for the USA Swimming Olympic Trials Meet during my senior year. Fortunately, I was able to qualify for the USA Olympic Swimming Team and won the silver medal for the 200 metre freestyle and the bronze for the 100 metre backstroke. I competed in the next Olympics as well, winning the gold for the 200 metre freestyle, 200 metre backstroke, and 400 metre individual medley. After that, I decided it was time to settle down and go back to school and get my Bachelor's in marine biology. The summer of my graduation, I went on a cruise with a few sorority sisters and met Isaiah, who shares my love for God, koalas, basketball, and swimming. Fortunately, I found out that Isaiah only lived in the outskirts of LA while I resided in my condo in Hollywood. Isaiah and I continued a relationship for three years before he decided to propose, which ended up on the big screen at a Lakers game. We got married a year later and had three kids, Gabriel, Elaina, and Xavier. All five of us reside in an enormous mansion in Beverly Hills with a gorgeous pool that even Poseidon would envy.

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