Monday, July 20, 2015

I am...

Before I get to talking about myself, which I know is something you all enjoy, I'm going to give some quick backstory about my continuing interest in personality types. I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my introductory post, but in case I didn't, I'm a very big Harry Potter fan. Like, really big. Anyway, I watched a video a few years ago about how J.K. Rowling based the Hogwarts houses from personality types and I took a test to see which one I was. I did some research about my type, and I was a low-key Myers-Briggs junkie. As time passed, my "phase" settled down and then my Psychology teacher told the class that we would be taking a Myers-Briggs test and being myself, I was the excited student who knew all about personality types already. Now that I look back at it, it was kiinda embarrassing, but it already happened so what can you do. But that's beside the point. Let's move on. So just recently, I stumbled upon yet another personality typing video on YouTube and I am, yet again, on a temperament/personality type high. So I'm writing about it right now before I come down from my high. Enjoy.

I AM AN ENFP. This means that I:

-am an extrovert. I love social gatherings and being around people. I feel more comfortable with human interaction rather than being alone. The opposite of extroverts are introverts, who enjoy their alone time and usually prefer staying at home by themselves reading books or watching films rather than spending time with a crowd. 

-prefer intuition. My experiences aren't facts of what will happen when that occurs to me again, instead they're impressions and instances that could happen again. New outcomes and possibilities seem more reasonable to me than a set reality. I work with possible theories rather than tangible details, unlike the use of sensation. Practicality and facts are what allow the stability of sensation within a person.

-feel. Now don't confuse this with emotion, because we all have emotion. By "feeling", I mean that I am concerned with values and the points-of-view of others when making decisions. I will do what I can to maintain or establish harmony. On the contrary, those who think when making decisions rely on principles and basic knowledge. Again, don't confuse the term "think" in this context as using your brain, because we all use our brains before making decisions. People who think base their decisions on logic and don't allow other people to influence them.

-perceive. This is another one of those tricky double-meaning words because the conventional use of being "perceptive" means to be accurate of perceptions of others, but in this context, to "perceive" is to prefer taking in new information. In this sense, "perceiving" means to being able to adapt to and understand new experiences. I'm open to new information and adapting to that. Spontaneity is my thing, in contrast to those who judge, meaning they live a structured and orderly life. So no, not judging in the sense that they assume the worst about people. 

What all of this means is that I am a Champion Idealist, according to the Keirsey Temperaments. We are known to be enthusiastic, the "life of the party", and adventure-seeking. We don't enjoy arguments because it causes barriers within relationships with people. We also get stressed out very easily because A) we tend to overthink things and B) are highly emotional people. Our extroversion allows us to be very good with people, and our communication skills are usually quite exceptional. 

In case you were wondering, personality types originated from Ancient Greece and the study of bodily fluids. Although it has been disproven that these fluids intertwine with personalities, this belief was the first effort in sorting personalities. It was believed that our temperaments were based on four body fluids which contained four humors. These humors were: black bile (influencing Melancholic people), yellow bile (influencing Choleric people), blood (influencing Sanguine people), and phlegm (which, surprisingly, influences Phlegmatic people). Essentially, Melancholic people are known to be know-it-alls and perfectionists, Cholerics are seen as leaders and very ambitious, Sanguines are social and adventurous people, and Phlegmatics are known to be be passive and selfless.

Fast forward to thousands of years later, J.K. Rowling used these humors to base the personalities of the Hogwarts houses which leads to Melancholics being Ravenclaws, Cholerics being Slytherins, Sanguines being Gryffindors, and Phlegmatics being Hufflepuffs. In modern day personality typing Keirsey Temperaments are combined with Myers-Briggs personality types, where the sixteen Myers-Briggs types are split into the four Keirsey Temperaments; artisans, rationalists, idealists, and guardians. Artisans are Gryffindors/Sanguines, Rationalists are Slytherins/Cholerics, Idealists are Ravenclaws/Melancholics, and Guardians are Hufflepuffs/Sanguines. Although my personality type categorizes as an Idealist/Ravenclaw, I'm a ride or die Hufflepuff. Awkward. 

The video that inspired me to post
The Myers-Briggs test

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