Monday, September 14, 2015

letter to my sophomore self


Sophomore year is such a turning point in your life. At your new school you will meet so many brilliant and extremely gifted people. And also a ton of snots and some creeps (and one duck).
The friends you make this year are so good. so good. decent teachers too.
Your hair will fall like rain because you are so stressed and sometimes you’ll feel like nothing is okay and you’ll feel so tired. But some days there will be so much joy and you’ll forget all about the sad days. Trust that the right people will come to you exactly when you need them.
You’ll witness many phone screen crackings. Winner: the duck will be demonstrating how he danced at coachella and he’ll drop it. sorry duck. Runner up: iphone dropped down the stairs. Speaking of are in for a treat!
It’s okay to take a few mental health days (lol you’ll take more than a few, still okay)
Improv dancing is notttt your best strength. But you do find out how much you love dancing.
One day you’ll wake up in a weird place full of even weirder people, but this place will engrave itself in your heart. It’s a big deal. But don’t freak out:)
You'll fall in love with music in a completely different way.
Great job on your compositions! You’re a total try hard but it pays off.
You’re not as good as some of the other students, but honestly who cares. You’re good enough! Stop beating yourself up so much.
Putting more makeup on to distract people from looking at your unclean hair probably doesn’t work. Just take the shower.
You will never be the same after Dirty Dancing.
Don’t talk trash about people because there’s so much you don’t know.
You’ll get rid of a very toxic person and this is a huge step! You rock!

Make more videos. Learn how to tip properly. Get a planner. Keep writing music. Take French more seriously. Prepare for auditions.  Replace the tea that you….borrowed. And give way more hugs because it might be a very long time before you can give them again.

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