Thursday, November 26, 2015

to not my husband

Hello Pals,
I was inspired by Sam’s letter so I tried to write one of my own and got nowhere because there’s no hope lolol. So instead, I’m also writing a letter to Sam’s hubs. Enjoy.

Dear Sam’s Future Husband,

So you put a ring on it. Good good. I really hope we get along, because it looks like neither of us are going anywhere any time soon.
I wonder if you’ll come crying to me when you’ve messed up, asking me how to fix it. Probably don’t do that, because I most likely won’t help you ((unless she’s being stubborn and I think you deserve a hand)).  If you wake up and find me on your couch,  don’t freak out. I’ll probably be at your house a lot. It’s just a fact of life.  
Thinking about you is kind of weirding me out so I’m going to stop here.
But one last thing…
In another life, I was a conquistador. So if you ever hurt her, I will turn you into salsa.


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